Editor’s Note: We are so excited to announce our first resident Roamaroo writer, Dr. Kate Cummins, Psy.D. Dr. Kate is a fellow wanderluster and she is here to help you realize your biggest travel dreams and release the inner vagabond in you. Every month, she’ll take you through the psychology of travel, how to travel the world, and help you find your destiny.

Hello Fellow globetrotters! My name is Dr. Kate Cummins and I’m a licensed clinical psychologist. I specialize in neuropsychology and have two private practice locations, located in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California as well as online. I am so excited to be writing to you. I’m here to team up with Roamaroo, and You. And here’s why: We’ve got a whole wide world out there waiting for you to go and explore, create yourself, and discover beautiful places and people.
So much of travel, choices to pack a bag, book a ticket, and go, is connected to how you think and feel about your own ability to wander.
Most people aren’t aware of how they hold back from creating an incredible life for themselves because of their own fear of what could come out of getting out and going.
Dr. Kate is here to help you realize your travel dreams!

Most individuals let fear hold them hostage, keeping them back from going out and doing exactly what Collette and Scott do. And so that is exactly why I’m pairing with Roamaroo, so that you can learn what makes you nervous, what makes you tick, what makes you create excuses, and how you can let go and roam on.
We want you to dream big, dare boldly, and find what it is you’re looking for. Perhaps you’ve been contemplating a trip for your 10th year wedding anniversary.
Or maybe you’re wanting a family memory like none you’ve ever had before. Or maybe, just maybe, you’ve seen places on this planet that set a fire in your soul when you see pictures. And maybe you’ve daydreamed at your desk job what it would feel like to walk the streets and smell the fragrance of that place.
It’s incredibly intimidating to be in a new place. A lot can go wrong during travel. A lot is out of your control. There’s:
- Unfamiliarity
- Customs that are different
- Languages that you don’t know
- Stress and anxiety of being away from the familiar
So that’s exactly what I’m here for. I’m going to be covering topics on the psychology of travel and how to overcome your fears.
We want you to dance in the streets in India. We want you to take that road trip that’s been on your bucket list for 20 years. We want you to know it’s okay to be scared. And we want you to go roam.
Once you roam, you are free. When you are free, you find space to know yourself. You find space to appreciate all that you are and all that you continue to become. Once you book that trip, move through the moments and realize that you can overcome bumps in the road, you change. Here’s a little secret about life: the only thing we know for certain, is that life will change.

So here’s your first assignment:
Write down the place that you’ve been thinking about on a note in your phone. Write down today’s date. And make a budget. Write down a potential trip date. Each blog that I post, we will continue to help forge through on all that may be delaying your choice to get on the plane. We’re going to have you in the place of your dreams in no time.
Read More: The Girlfriend Getaway Guide to Copenhagen
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