Let’s join forces and raise funds for the Do It In a Dress Campaign! To contribute to our campaign, click here: http://www.doitinadress.com/collette-stohler
In our travels, we have felt the most alive, the most connected with the world, when we have interacted with the children of a certain country. Whether we were bringing pencils and paper to school children on the banks of the Mekong River or learning traditional Balinese dance from the children of Ubud, Bali, it was the interactions with kids that have impacted us the most. These children are the future of our world and we want to do everything in our power to help them along their path to greateness.

So when we learned about the One Girl foundation and their Do It In A Dress campaign, we knew we wanted to be a part of this epic effort. Children should all be given the chance to dream, learn, and discover. Unfortunately for the girls of Sierra Leone and Uganda, they are more likely to be sexually assaulted than to go to school. These girls are deprived the basic human rights and are violated on a regular basis. The only way to stop this is through education. We need to educate our women and break this cycle of sexual abuse. By raising $3,000, we will provide a yearlong education for 10 women in need.

We are headed to New Zealand on February 10 to continue our wild and crazy adventures, but this time we are going to #doitinadress. Think jumping off the world’s highest cliff with Shotover Canyon Swing, hiking glaciers through the South Island, and much, much more…all while doing it in a dress!

Photo by Fox Guides
But we can’t do it without your help! Let’s join forces and raise funds for the Do It In a Dress Campaign! To contribute to our campaign, click here: http://www.doitinadress.com/collette-stohler

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