For as long as I remember, I’ve been closing my eyes and putting my finger onto a map, dreaming of all of the destinations I’d like to visit in the world. Some times, I would close my eyes and put my finger on places like the pyramids of Giza or the monolithic Machu Picchu in Peru. As an adult, not much has changed. I still picture myself climbing the great mountains of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and diving into the depths of the Great Blue Hole in Belize.

push pin travel map

Can you tell Scott is excited to explore the world with his new map?

That’s why I was so excited that Push Pin Travel Map sent me a map for all of my adventures!

No matter where I’m dreaming of traveling, my Push Pin Travel Map takes me there. No matter if I’m at home in my office, up to my ears in work, I can look up at my Executive Push Pin Travel Map and dream of escaping to far away places.

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push pin travel map

Up next: Italy!

Just like a good athlete visualizes their sport, I like to visualize my travels. When I look at my Push Pin Travel Map, I see opportunity. I see how big and beautiful the world is, and ultimately, I feel like I am a part of a community. My map is my own little sanctuary and my place to which I find solace. It’s easy to feel like we’re alone in the world, which is why I always head back to my map to see that I’m not alone. I am indeed a part of this great, big beautiful world.

With my Push Pin Travel Map, I also get to reflect on all of the glorious places that I’ve been. After a year of travel, I already need more pins! From driving the Golden Circle in Iceland to hiking Mt. Cook in New Zealand, my map contains a multitude of memories. I can simply place a black pin in destinations I’ve visited to signify a check off of my bucket list! I choose a red (for love) pin for the destinations I’ve loved the most. I choose a white pin for the places that I want to visit the most.

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Sardinia is on our bucket list!

When I first received my travel map, my 7-year-old nephew helped me open it. Together, we gazed at the map, engulfed in the enormity of the world. We sat on the floor and stared at it for over an hour, talking about all of the places we’d like to visit. As we watched the map in awe, we had a dream session and a mini-geography lesson. We found islands that we didn’t know existed and what country owned them i.e. The Sandwich Islands are owned by the U.K. and Bouvet, owned by Norway. We were entranced with the magnificence and vastness of the world that we live in. Looking at the map and dreaming of travel made us both feel butterflies in our stomach. And that’s what life is all about, right? Feeling those childlike butterflies, that incredible flutter in your heart, and that unabashed excitement to live.

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Travel evokes a childlike wonder in all of us. Travel makes us see the world with new eyes and it gifts us with a new perspective. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some pinning to do!

Thank you to Push Pin Travel Maps for gifting me with this wonderful travel map and paying me to try it out. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are entirely my own.