Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by TraveLibro. The thoughts and opinions expressed here about the best travel apps are entirely our own.
Travel means many things to many people, but to us, it’s about the stories that we make along the way. While we use Instagram to capture our photos, Twitter to capture quick thoughts, and Facebook to post our travel videos, we yearned for one application that could put all of our travels into one simple social network – that’s when we found TraveLibro. TraveLibro is a social network made for travelers by travelers and it is the one thing we never leave home without. That’s why we truly believe that TraveLibro is one of the best travel apps out there!
Create a Profile
The first thing to do when creating a TraveLibro profile is to take a trip through memory lane and log all of the countries he or she has visited. Once the traveler has logged his or her countries, each TraveLibro traveler is ranked into a system based on the number of countries visited.
You could be a Newbie, a Just Got Wings, a Globe Trotter, a Wayfarer, or even a Nomad if you’ve traveled to 25+ countries. From there, you’re able to search out other travelers on the app and discover all of the countries others have traveled to.

Who’s on the App
There are travelers from all over the world on TraveLibro. Our favorite part is that we can follow our fellow travel bloggers such as Bruised Passports and Salt in our Hair. Sure, it’s nice to see a pretty photo on Instagram, but isn’t it more interesting to find out the story behind it? With TraveLibro, we can follow expert advice from our favorite travelers and learn all about their hidden gems and secret spots around the world.
How it Works
In TraveLibro, we’re able to log all of our trips and activities from our departure flight to our hotels, our activities to our gastronomical experiences; our entire journey lives right in the app. We fly over 100,000 miles a year and spend 150 nights out of the year in hotel rooms so TraveLibro is the perfect place to organize our adventures.
To start a journey, we simply log into the app and click the + button that says “Travel Life.” From there, our journey has begun. We then add our location, a few photos or a video of our experience, and a few sentences about the adventure. We continue to do this throughout our entire journey and when we’re finished, we have a complete record of trip. Unlike Instagram stories that disappear after 24 hours, these journeys live on forever. The best part about it is that we can rate every location we log, recommending those amazing places that are must-sees for travelers or warning travelers of unexceptional places that aren’t worth the trip.

Follow us on TraveLibro and visit all of our trips on TraveLibro here:

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