“No peeking,” I said to Scott. “It’s a surprise.” We stepped onto the hot sand and started walking towards the Andaman Sea. “What do you have up your sleeve?” he asked. As the sun simmered on our skin, I knew that Scott was in for a treat.
A zodiac boat pulled up and we were escorted onto the raft. Turquoise blue waters surrounded us as far as the eye could see. Soon after our departure from land, Scott quickly realized where we were going – to Dreamcatcher, the luxury catamaran waiting in the distance.

With all of the idyllic islands to explore, it’s a sin to stay on land in Thailand. Dreamcatcher was the perfect way for us to cruise the Thai coastline, stopping to swim or snorkel whenever we please. Dreamcatcher had all of the accouterments: local fruits, fresh Thai beer, and an iPhone dock for our music.

The captain of the boat, Kunta, was a German who moved to Thailand many years ago. He was accompanied by his British co-captain, Stu, who was one of the funniest fellows we have ever met. If you ever meet Stu, ask him about the time he introduced his British father to a Thai toilet. But be sure not to have food or drink in your mouth. With the aqua Andaman Sea as our backdrop and Kunta and Stu as our guides, we were set for our journey to Koh Phangan.

When you’re on Dreamcatcher, you’re not on a tour. This is your own private paradise to relish in. Our first stop was at a deserted beach. We parked 10 yards away and swam up to the beach where we were greeted with swaying palm trees, white sand beaches, and not a soul in sight. We were able to explore the untouched beauty of Thailand.

As we made our way back to Dreamcatcher, we stopped to paddle in the Sea. It was so warm, so welcoming. So we waded in the sea because when you’re sailing with Dreamcatcher, you’re not waiting on anyone else’s clock. You go at your own pace.

Our next stop was on the island of Koh Phangan. It looked like something out of a movie with its white sand beaches and palm huts built into the cliffs. When we swam up to the edge, it was as though we were transported back to the days before tourism boomed in Thailand. As we stepped underneath the thatched hut on the edge of the cliff, calming music played and hippies swayed. We were in our element.

Kunta explained that this is where we would enjoy a seaside snack and he did not disappoint. The restaurant brought out cool white wine and fresh fish from the sea, which was a delightful way to take a break from the hot Southeast Asian sun.

After lunch, we sat on the bow and held on tight as we cruised over big swells. The ocean splashed up on our smiling faces as the catamaran cruised over the waves. We wrapped up our day full, tan, and a wee bit buzzed and vowed to come back to Kunta and Dreamcatcher.

While we were only on Dreamcatcher for a day, you have the option to venture on an overnight charter to nearby island Koh Phangan or to go on a 3-4 day sailing safari to the Marine Park and Koh Tao. One day on Dreamcatcher was incredible, but multiple days sailing through the Thai islands would be divine.

To book a trip on Dreamcatcher, email Kunta at kunta@sailing-in-samui.com

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