Editor’s Note: This article was first featured in The Huffington Post.
When it comes to packing for vacation, the last thing you people want to squeeze into your suitcases is workout gear. But if you want to squeeze into that itty-bitty bikini while you travel, then you have to keep fit with workout gear. You can have your piña coladas and your beach body, too. Read on to enjoy the traveler’s take on how to keep fit while traveling:

1. Jump Ropes

You don’t have to be Rocky Balboa to appreciate a good jump rope routine. Lightweight and portable, jump ropes can easily pack in your suitcase or carry-on. Workout recommendation: HIIT it, baby. That is, high intensity interval training. 10 sets of 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off.
2. Mini Bands

These bands may be small in size, but they pack a big workout. For a lower body workout, wrap these bands around your ankles or around your knees. You can use them with squats, lunges, bridges, and almost every other movement. By placing the bands around your lower body, it makes you fire your glutes. So that bikini body you’ve been wanting? Right around the corner. Workout recommendation: 3 sets of 15 reps: Air Squats, Side-step lunges, Glute bridges.
This is awesome! I’m the worst at working out but I read that if you start with 15 minutes a day, it just gets easier to work out while traveling. Thank you for encouraging me to be even healthier while traveling!
Sebrin, Glad to hear! Once you start moving the rest is easy. It’s the starting that’s the hardest. Keep it up!