If you’re scouring the internet for relationship advice and relationship tips, you’ll see dozens of articles with the same old information. What people often overlook when it comes to relationships is the power of visualization. Visualization is an imperative part of any goal setting process. Athletes visualize their performance before they get out on the field / court / track, executives visualize the position they want to be in and the corner office, and actors visualize their performance before going on stage. When it comes to long distance relationships and general relationship tips, we think it’s imperative to practice visualization when it comes to love.

Visualization is a powerful tool that every single person has access to. You probably already visualize things already, but what you don’t realize is how truly powerful the mind is . If we visualize something good or something bad, our mind believes it and tries to figure out ways to make the vision a reality. That’s why people often manifest things in their relationships and think, “I knew this was going to happen.” For a healthy relationship and/or long distance relationship, here are a few relationship tips to incorporate visualization into your love life.

Step 1: Figure out what you want in your relationship. If you want to manifest the love and life of your dreams, you have to define it. What do you value in a partner? How do you want to feel in a relationship? Think values systems and not aesthetics.
Step 2: Be Detailed. Don’t just say, “I want to be happy.” That is vague AF and your mind cannot identify the road to get you there. Think about couples you admire – what is it about their relationship that inspires you? Be specific here.
Step 3: Picture it. Close your eyes and imagine you are there. You are with your significant other. You are loved. You have manifested the life and love that you wanted. What’s it feel like? What does it sound like? Marinate in the emotions that go along with visualizing your ideal outcome.

Step 4: When it comes to relationship tips, this one is one of the most important. Just do it. Take action. No one is going to read your mind, Mr. Right isn’t going to be waiting on your doorstep, and self-love isn’t found by scrolling through a feed. Take tangible actions that will set you up for success. Do it every single day. Rinse and repeat. Write it down, tell a friend, be accountable for what you want. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Visualization is a powerful tool, especially when it comes to relationships and long distance relationships. Think about it – if you don’t visualize what you want in life, how will you ever find the path that leads to your dreams? Instead, practice visualization and build the path to the love you desire and deserve.
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