Editor’s Note: This article was first featured in The Huffington Post.
Seven months ago, I quit my day job in order to follow my daydream. I’ve been traveling the world for over seven months and the question I get asked the most is, “how do you have the money to do this?” Prior to leaving for my trip, I cut ever corner possible. I made big financial decisions such as selling my car and renting out my house, but it was the small changes that made the biggest difference.

Saving for travel isn’t easy, but it is always worth it. When it comes to long term travel, you quickly learn that every dollar makes a difference. Instead of thinking about all of the “things” you want, think about all the places you could go. This is all about short-term sacrifice for long-term personal gain. Sure it might be fun to meet the guys every week for your weekly beer night or it might be wonderful to get your hair colored at that fabulous place downtown every two months, but all of these “things” are not necessities.

So whether you’re craving a trip around the world or just need a weekend away with your sweetheart, these 10 money saving tips will help you take that holiday of your dreams. When you’re finally on that magical white sand beach of your dreams, you’ll thank yourself for every penny pinched while at home.
1. Ebay
No matter what season it is, a major spring-cleaning is always helpful. Ebay has been our savior for making little bits of money that add up over time. Go through your closet and your electronics and clean everything out. Name brand pieces obviously sell best, but I’ve sold t-shirts for $5. If I sell 5 of them, that’s worth an entire day in Thailand! It is a great money saving tip for travel.

2. At-Home Beauty Treatments
It’s easy to get in the habit of getting our nails done or going out for a hair color treatment, but $20-30 here and there can quickly add up. If you get a gel manicure done every 3 weeks, that’s about $450/year in savings. Think about all the savings! When you’re in southeast Asia, feel free to splurge on a $5 mani/pedi!
Nice article. Here is some tips for how to save money efficient http://how-to-save-money-efficiently.blogspot.in/2017/08/how-to-save-money-efficiently.html
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